International Help of Missionaries


July 27, 2014

               Next week we will be hosting “International Help of Missionaries”, our annual Mission Co-Op speaker.  It is chance to hear more about the work of evangelization in another part of the world and support it.  This group is special to me in that they are a local group that has grown out of the work of one of my priest heroes, Fr. Paul Rehling.  Fr. Paul, now deceased, was a spiritual director for a number of years in the major seminary for Ghana, West Africa.  During that time he formed a close friendship with Fr. Gabriel Mante, another faculty member.  When Fr. Mante was named Bishop of the Diocese of Jasikan and Fr. Paul returned to our Archdiocese, their close friendship yielded a close relationship between the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Jasikan, Ghana.  “International Help of Missionaries” is an outgrowth of that friendship between priests and between cultures.

              In 2002 Fr. Paul invited a small group of us to go with him on his annual trip to Ghana.  There I got to know Bishop Mante and his diocese.  I can assure you that the need is still great and the opportunities even greater.

One thought on “International Help of Missionaries

  1. You rock Fr. Mike! I was so inspired by your homily today! When you talked about Jesus with us as we live our lives, I realized how much He is with me in my days. Indeed, Jesus is the reason I find peace and joy each day. Thank you Fr. Mike! Sheila Johnson

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